African Gallery A:G
Is a platform with 1.2 million followers in 45 African countries.
Photos tell the story – Africans write their social media page using our platform and insights.
Short descriptions of the picture complete the story and show what Africans find important and note worthy.
A:G is an independent page with keen interest in Africans self expression. A media platform run by the people who are concerned by the culture, sport, music, environmental changes, but also the products and services they need. Photos explain what is happening and how good ideas translate into realities on the ground. It’s a real insight for what is happening on the ground and what is of interest.
Africa is a continent with 54 countries and unlimited cultural and linguistic zones. Companies will only succeed if they fine tune their approach and understand the needs of the end user.
Clients are keen to get on the ground in real time feedback in relation to their products.
We ask our followers to share their views and needs in relation to clients questions. We ask questions, we invite there views and help companies and clients to fine tune products to customers specific needs by country, demographics, gender or age. our approach is fast, efficient, with direct contact between the African client and product development team.
A:G social media platform creates transparency.
Foundations can only succeed if needs, on the ground and in real time are correctly prioritised. A:G clarifies and priorities on the ground current, fast, cheap and efficient.
We target groups, ask for feedback via photo and interact. We find out the real need, the best way to support abd guide them in implementation, interact throughout the process and review results and ask for frequent update to assure that results continue to exist.
Many philanthropist are keen to help individuals is Africa. Mentoring, having a personal long term relationship assuring a real impact but also friendship.
A:G connects and develops for you approach and guide lines, recommended by our long term interaction in Africa